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  • synchronous moving of bridges

    hydraulic jack for bridge - alibaba.com

    .com offers 1,604 hydraulic jack for bridge products. About 64% of these are Car Jacks, 6% are Car Lifts. A wide variety of hydraulic jack for bridge options are available to ….

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  • Heavy Duty 10 ton Hydraulic Cylinder price / hydraulikzylinder china

    Buy Cheap Prestressing Jack from Global Prestressing Jack

    .com offers 3,756 prestressing jack products. About 64% of these are car jacks, 12% are metal building materials. A wide variety of prestressing jack options are available to you, such as hydraulic jack, electric jack, and mechanical jack..

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  • small hydraulic jacks


    With the passing of time JK gradually increased the capability, in the field of engineering & technology and now holds the leading position in the field of Structural Bearing, Prestressing equipments, Expansion joints , Hydraulic Presses, Hydraulic Jacks, Well Point De-watering Pump, Plywood, Etc..

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  • single acting jack

    Prestressed Jack, Prestressed Jack direct from Henan

    Prestressed Jack from Henan Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd.. Search High Quality Prestressed Jack Manufacturing and Exporting supplier on .com. ... Cost-effective Prestressing Hydraulic Hollow Core Jack for Bridge. $400.00 - $1,231.00 / Set. 1 Set (Min. Order) ... LEC Pretension Cross Core Hollow Plunger 400 Tons Hydraulic Stressing Jack ....

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  • cylinder for tipping truck

    China Hydraulic Front-End Fixed Jack for Prestressing

    Hydraulic Prestressing Jack, Hollow Hydraulic Jack, Stressing Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Hydraulic Front-End Fixed Jack for Prestressing, Cleaning Surface Sand Sustless Blasting Machine Mobile Dustless Sandblaster, Wheel Type 200 Meters Depth Trailer Drilling Rig ….

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  • oil seal ram trailer hoist

    Large Tonnage Prestress PC Strand Tensioning Stressing Jack

    1, Hydraulic Strand Jack is a kind of general purpose for prestressing applied for pre-tension and post-tension of various steel strand anchors. 2, Hydraulic strand jack is widely used in precast structures, such as prestressed bridge girders and decks units, rock and earth anchoring construction, hydraulic structures and other great projects..

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  • single acting cylinder

    Stressing on the site - prestressed-concrete.paul.eu

    Our product range for bridge construction includes a wide selection of stressing jacks, hydraulic units, pushing machines, anchor grips and handling equipment. Due to the decades of experience we offer rugged and long-lived machines for heavy-duty use on construction sites..

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  • 500 ton prestressing jack

    Production in the factory - prestressed-concrete.paul.eu

    the hoses, handle for controlling the oil pressure, hydraulic hollow jacks for transferring force to the laminates and load cells that were installed between hydraulic jacks and main frame to control the value of prestressing load. The design details of the mechanical components of this prestressing system can be consulted elsewhere [21]..

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  • Dump hydraulic telescopic ram for crane

    VSL | Bridges | Construction

    Inspiring people to share Normal. Prestressed concrete poles for advertising beams visible from a long distance, power lines, signal posts or other applications are produced at the precast concrete factory in a cost-efficient and effective manner and with consistent quality using various methods..

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  • 1000ton hydraulic jack

    Post Tensioning Mono Strand Hydraulic Electric Bottle Jack

    Precast Options for Bridge Superstructure Design John R. Fowler, P.Eng. Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete institute ... hydraulic opening requirements and topography ... Welded wire reinforcement is a cost effective way to place mild ….

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  • tipper ram

    the most cost effective form of construction for shopping centres, office buildings, and carparks where spans exceed 7.5 metres. The preferred post-tensioning system used is the well proven `bonded' tendon utilising from 3 to 5 individual prestressing strands housed in oval ducting and anchored in flat fan shaped anchorage castings..

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  • Telescopic 5-stage hydraulic cylinder

    Mono jack Description: Bridge construction small mono 30 tons bottle hydraulic jack price is a multipurpose prestressed tensioning device, easy to operate. Mainly used for single hole tension. also used for,porous preloaded , tensioning and troubleshooting, and can be applied to a variety of sizes of high strength steel wire and steel strand.. mono hydraulic jacks Especially for high-altitude ...User rating: 4.3/5.

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  • hollow hydraulic cylinder

    Cost-Effective Strategies for Repairing Grout in Post-Tensioned Bridges What Was the Need? Some concrete bridges in the United States are strength-ened using post-tensioning—a method of reinforcing concrete by running steel strands through a hollow plastic or metal duct placed within the concrete element. Tension.

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