Flow Meter
QYC Series Tension Hydraulic Jack
YDC Prestressed Post Tension Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Self-locking Type SActing Hydraulic Jack
Thin Type Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Synchronous Control Hydraulic Jack
Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter
Multistrand Hydraulic Prestressed Anchor Tension Jack
Applications and Features ♦ prestressed anchor tension jack is a kind of general-purpose feed-through jack for prestress applied for tension of various steel strand anchors. ♦ prestressed anchor tension jack is widely used in post-tensioned large buildings and structures, prestressed concrete bridges, rock and earth anchoring construction, hydraulic structures, foundation anchoring ....
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Prestressing Jack Suppliers, all Quality Prestressing Jack
LQM multistrand construction prestressed jack. China post tension prestressing jack. Country/Region: China (Mainland) Main Products: Prestressed Anchorage. ... 50 ton post tension jack hydraulic pulling jack multi-strand prestressing jack. Factory direct sale Lifting high quality oil pump hydraulic cylinder prestressing jack for sale. Country ....
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lqm stressing pre tension jacking system-☆Hydraulic Jack
Mono Jack is the tensioning jack for single strand stressing, with strand size ranging from 9.53mm to 15.70mm. Stressing Jack is the multistrand jack with capacity of 100 to 1,500 tonnes. And Lifting Jack is for heavy lifting purposes..
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engineering prestressed anchorage wedges-☆Hydraulic Jack
lqm good quality wedge anchor in mining and construction Failure modes of prestressed CFRP rods in a wedge anchored set-up ... Department of Civil Engineering ... In the process of developing a new wedge anchorage to anchor prestressed ….
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Multi Strand Prestressing Jacks For Sale. Prestressing
Multi Strand Prestressing Jacks For Sale. PJM Industrial have been supplying multi strand prestressing jacks for prestressing concrete since 1999. Our multi strand prestressing jacks have capacities from 100T up to 1500T and Strokes of 100mm to 500mm..
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Discount Post Tensioning Hydraulic Jack for Construction
Discount post tensioning Hydraulic Jack for Construction and building 1. Usage: It is mached with prestressed anchorage widely used in the construction of bridge and buildings, railway and subway, water conservancy and hydropower engineering..
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Prestressed concrete - Wikipedia
Prestressed concrete is a form of concrete used in construction. It is substantially "prestressed" during its fabrication, in a manner that strengthens it against tensile forces which will exist when in service.: 3–5 This compression is produced by the tensioning of high-strength "tendons" located within or adjacent to the concrete and is done to improve the performance of the concrete in ....
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YDC Multi-strand Center Hole Jack - china-anchorage.com
YDC multi-strand center hole jack is general hydraulic jack which is mainly applied in group anchor stressing, pushing and lifting. With different accessories, the jack can be applied to stress YJM15 wedge group anchor, DM button-head anchor, YGM precision rolled rebar anchor, LM screw bar anchor and LZM chill-cast anchor in bridge, slope, high-rise building and waste water treatment facilities..
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Stressing Jack | TMG
Jul 25, 2015· Stressing Jack is an essential part of post tensioning work. Working with light and versatile stressing tools enables site operators to increase stressing efficiency and productivity. TMG range of Stressing Jacks are designed and manufactured on such principles..
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VSL | Post-tensioning strand systems | Post tension
Post-tensioning strand systems. VSL designs, manufactures and installs durable, state-of-the-art post-tensioning systems that comply with international standards and approval guidelines for both new and existing structures..
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China Prestressing Jack for Multi-Strands Price - China
Stressing of prestressed concrete is acknowledged to be a potentially high-risk activity, as it involves the use of industrial prestressing equipment that uses hydraulic rams to stretch high-yield wires and strands with forces that can be in excess of 1500 tonnes. This Code of Practice has been produced for the following purposes : 1..
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Prestressed Concrete Muti-Strands Post Tension Jack
Details about YDC Prestressed concrete hydraulic jack 1. Usage: It is mached with prestressed anchorage widely used in the construction of bridge and buildings, railway and subway, water conservancy and hydropower engineering. 2. It is suitable for the tension of group anchors with 1860-2000 sizes, Φ 15.24, Φ 12.7 strands. 3..
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THE FREYSSINET PRESTRESSED CONCRETE COMPANY LTD. Page: 8 ANCHORAGE COUPLERS: In the construction of continuous deck bridges, it is essential to extend Prestressing cables as the construction proceeds. FPCC has a range of Multi Strand Anchorage Couplers in configuration of 12, 19 and 27 strands, for strand diameter of ½”.
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Post Tension Jack, Post Tensioning Jack, Prestressed Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Prestressed Concrete Muti-Strands Post Tension Jack, Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig and so on..
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