Flow Meter
QYC Series Tension Hydraulic Jack
YDC Prestressed Post Tension Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Self-locking Type SActing Hydraulic Jack
Thin Type Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Synchronous Control Hydraulic Jack
Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter
PC Strand Onion Jack - pt-concrete.com
Intelligent Tensioning System Post Tension Stressing Pump ; Prestressed Strand Cable . Bonded PC Strand PC Steel Wire Unbonded Steel Strand ; Prestressing Equipment . PC Strand Pusher Machine PC Strand Onion Jack PC Wire Button Heading Machine Goruting Pump and Mixer Machine GYJ500A Dead End Anchor Machine ; SLA Anchorage System.
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products - Anchor Barrel And Wedges|Flat Anchor System
PC Strand Pusher Machine PC Strand Onion Jack PC Wire Button Heading Machine Goruting Pump and Mixer Machine GYJ500A Dead ... Round Type Multi-strands Anchor Coupler System 2. For PC Strand Number: From 2 Strands to 55 Strands. 3. ... Multistrands Post Tension Jack 1.Model Multistrands Stressing Jack 2. Capacities(load):We have jacks of 650kn ....
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Multistrands Post Tension Jack - pt-concrete.com
Multistrands Post Tension Jack. 1.Model Multistrands Stressing Jack 2. Capacities(load):We have jacks of 650kn, 1000kn, 1500kn, 2000kn, 2500kn, 3000kn, 4000kn, 4500kn, 5000kn, 6500kn, 7500kn, 8000kn, 8500kn, 9000kn, 10000kn, 12000kn or more larger). ... PC Strand Pusher Machine PC Strand Onion Jack PC Wire Button Heading Machine Goruting Pump ....
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Post Tension Duct Machine - pt-concrete.com
Post Tension Duct Machine . ZGB flat metal ducts machine is a equipment to extrude round metal ducts make them become flat metal ducts. Flat duct is used for post tension slab in buildings and brirdge construction, the common size is 50x20mm,60x20mm, 70x20mm, 80x20mm.
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VSL | Post-tensioning strand systems | Post tension
There are basically two types of post-tension system categories - “Bonded Multi-strand” and “bonded Mono-strand”. These bars can be stressed and anchored similar to the strands. Both types have a wide range of uses and applications. Another post-tensioning material is the PT Threaded Bar..
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Prestressed Anchorage, Post Tensioning Jack, Electric Oil Pump manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig, New Generation Fast Speed PC Strand Pusher for Post Tension and so on..
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China Prestressed Anchorage manufacturer, Post Tensioning
The European approved CONA ® CMO post-tensioning anchorage is a multi-strand technology with a flat array of onion-bulb strand ends for internally bonded post-tensioned applications particularly in very thin concrete cross-sections such as slabs. Typical applications include car parks, apartment buildings, commercial office space, retail centers and distribution warehouses..
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BBR | Onion Post-tensioning Systems
CNM-YH30 CNM China, CNM YH30 Embossing Machine Onion Jack For Post Tensioning: YH30 embossing machine(bulb jack) for pc strand 1. Model: YH30 2. Usage: To bend pc ....
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CNM YH30 Embossing Machine Onion Jack For Post …
PC Strand Pusher Machine CSJ series of pc strand pusher machine is a equipment which used to feed through pc strand into corrugate pipes. Its maximum pushing distance can be reach more than 200m, minimum pushing distance is less than 40m. Learn More. PC Strand Onion Jack 1. Model: YH30 2..
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Prestressing Equipment - pt-concrete.com
YDC Prestressed Anchor Cable Hydraulic Post Tension Jack Prestressed Hydraulic Tension Jack is the new designed product in our company, are the upgrades of the primary jacks. 2. In some certain circumstance it can be used in the working of pushi n g, jacking and transforming and so on..
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prestressed cable tensioning jack, prestressed cable
YDC Multi-strand Center Hole Jack QYC Mono-strand Bottle Jack YDD Pedestal Jack YHH Onion Jack YDT60-50 Jack. ... ZNZL60/3 Intelligent Stressing System ZNZL60/3 Intelligent Stressing System(1) ... We can offer PC wire and strand conforming to the technical standards, such as GB/T5224-2003 of China, ASTM A416 of the USA, BS5896:80 of Britain ....
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Prestressed Concrete Strand
Csj 12.7mm Prestressed Cable Pusher Machine Get price and support: If you have any problems or questions about our products or need our support and assistance, please feel free to write us..
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Csj 12.7mm Prestressed Cable Pusher Machine | concrete
• Australian Post-tensioning • Structural Systems Group. 2. Purpose This Guidance Note sets out practical guidelines designed to prevent injury to persons engaged in, or in the vicinity of, the process of mono-strand post-tensioning of concrete buildings. 3. Scope This Guidance Note applies to Mono-strand Post-tensioning and does not apply to:.
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Home - STS Systems - Pre and post tensioning systems
STS stock a wide range of 2-leg bar chairs for use in post-tensioning. Contact STS. Quick View. You've just added this product to the cart: ... Durable plastic tube designed for grouting with STS post-tension and ground support systems. Contact STS. Quick View. ... standard nose cones for STS mono-strand stressing jacks. Contact STS. Quick View ....
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China Monostrand Post-Tensioning Jack for Prestressed
Mono Strand Jack, Post Tension Jack, Monostrand Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Monostrand Post-Tensioning Jack for Prestressed Concrete, Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig and so on..
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Cnm 12.7mm Anchor Strand Bulbing Jack for Post-Tensioning
China Cnm 12.7mm Anchor Strand Bulbing Jack for Post-Tensioning, Find details about China Onion Jack, Bulbing Jack from Cnm 12.7mm Anchor Strand Bulbing Jack for Post-Tensioning - Henan Prestressing Equipment Co., Limited.
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Concrete Prestressing Equipment for Sale. Jacks, Grout
Concrete Prestressing Equipment for sale in Australia. Prestressing Jacks, grout pumps, onion jacks, staple guns, strand cutters, strand pushers and consumables..
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China Cnm Post Tensioning Mono Strand Stress Jack - China
Mono Strand Stress Jack, Mono Jack, Monostrand Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Cnm Post Tensioning Mono Strand Stress Jack, Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig and so on..
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Building Construction of Cnm Yh30 Post Tensioning Onion Jack
Onion Jack, Bulbing Jack, Post Tension Bulbing Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Building Construction of Cnm Yh30 Post Tensioning Onion Jack, Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig and so on..
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Jack-Products-Kaifeng Zhongqiao Prestressed Equipment …
YDC Multi-strand Center Hole Jack QYC Mono-strand Bottle Jack YDD Pedestal Jack YHH Onion Jack YDT60-50 Jack KJ130 Duct Making Machine BGJ Flat-duct-making Machine YBZ Electric Oil Pump MBV80 Water Ring Vacuum Pump HB Mortar Pump JW180 Mortar Blender YJ (C) Barrel Swager PC Strand Pusher Machine Flat Duct Forming Machine.
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Post Tension Jack Price, 2019 Post Tension Jack Price
Post Tension Jack Price - Select 2019 high quality Post Tension Jack Price products in best price from certified Chinese Tension Jack manufacturers, Hydraulic Tension Jack suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China.com.
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Prestressing Anchorage,Sheathing Duct,Jack,Pump,China
Zhong qiao Prestressed Equipments Co., Ltd. is a professional company which is engaged in the production of pre-stressing anchorage, grip,coupler and other tools as well as pre-stress tension ….
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Bond Head Extruder For Post-tension System For 15.7mm
Bond Head Extruder For Post-tension System For 15.7mm Cable , Find Complete Details about Bond Head Extruder For Post-tension System For 15.7mm Cable,Bond Head Extruder,Bond Head Extruder For Pc Strand,Onion Jack from Metal Building Materials Supplier or Manufacturer-Liuzhou VLM Prestressing Co., Ltd..
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Multistrand Post-Tensioning System - DSI USA
Multistrand Post-Tensioning System DYWIDAG Post-Tensioning Systems are world renowned for reliability and performance, most suitable for all applications in post-tensioned construction. They embrace the entire spectrum from bridge construction and buildings to ….
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CNM YH30 Embossing Machine Onion Jack For Post …
CNM YH30 Embossing Machine Onion Jack For Post Tensioning: YH30 embossing machine(bulb jack) for pc strand 1. Model: YH30 2. Usage: To bend pc strands make it become ....
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prestressed anchorage, post tensioning jack, pc strand
prestressed anchorage, post tensioning jack, pc strand products from Henan Prestressing Equipment Co., Limited. Menu. All. All Product Selling Leads Buying Leads ... CNM YH30 Embossing Machine Onion Jack For Post Tensioning. CNM QYC270(240) Monostrand Jack For Prestressing Concrete ....
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Prestress Jacking System Wholesale, Home Suppliers
.com offers 266 prestress jacking system products. About 68% of these are car jacks, 1% are hydraulic parts. A wide variety of prestress jacking system options ….
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