Flow Meter

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Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter

  • Telescopic Hydraulic Cylinder for Dump Trailer

    Post Tension Pre-stres Pc Strand Anchor Anchorage Steel

    Post Tension Pre-stres Pc Strand Anchor Anchorage Steel Wire Tension Mono Stressing Jack , Find Complete Details about Post Tension Pre-stres Pc Strand Anchor Anchorage Steel Wire Tension Mono Stressing Jack,Front Gripping Stressing Jack,Stressing Jack,Prestressing Jacks from Car Jacks Supplier or Manufacturer-Liuzhou VLM Prestressing Co., Ltd..

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  • Working Pressure 350 Bar small electrical telescopic hydraulic cylinder

    Post tension tendons pc strand steel wire anchorage anchor

    Post Tension Tendons Pc Strand Steel Wire Anchorage Anchor Stressing Mono Tension Jack , Find Complete Details about Post Tension Tendons Pc Strand Steel Wire Anchorage Anchor Stressing Mono Tension Jack,Front Gripping Stressing Jack,Stressing Jack,Prestressing Jacks from Other Construction Machinery Supplier or Manufacturer-Liuzhou VLM Prestressing Co., Ltd..

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  • Oil Equipment F-500 Mud Pump

    Stressing Jack | TMG - Post Tensioning System

    Jul 25, 2015· Flat Anchors of 3 - 5 x 12.70mm PC strand were used for the slab post tensioning, and multistrand Anchors of 19 x 12.70mm PC strand were used for the beam post tensioning. Both Mono Jack and 300 ton Stressing Jack were used in this project..

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  • pneumatic linear actuator AFM20-02-A solenoid valve

    VSL | Post-tensioning strand systems | Post tension

    Home Business Lines SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGIES POST-TENSIONING STRAND SYSTEMS. Post-tensioning strand systems ... but that has very low strength in tension. Post-tensioning is a construction technique that consists of inserting active steel reinforcement into a concrete structure to make the concrete work in compression, while the tension forces in ....

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  • lock hydraulic jack

    post tension prestressed pc strand anchorage - alibaba.com

    .com offers 1,861 post tension prestressed pc strand anchorage products. About 62% of these are metal building materials, 22% are anchors. A wide variety of post tension prestressed pc strand anchorage options are available to you, such as concrete anchor, wedge anchor..

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  • 10 ton hydraulic jack price

    post tension anchor,slab steel anchor,prestressed anchorage

    Anchor head, also called anchor rings or anchor block, is the key part of bearing the prestressing tension. There are two kinds of anchor head: one is round anchor head which is made by 45# high-quality carbon construction steel, and the other is flat anchorage which is made by 40Cr steel..

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  • good product large lift hydraulic

    China Post Tension Pre-Stres PC Strand Tensioning Mono

    China Post Tension Pre-Stres PC Strand Tensioning Mono Stressing Jack, Find details about China Jack, Hydraulic Jack from Post Tension Pre-Stres PC Strand Tensioning Mono Stressing Jack - Tianjin Sunwin Prestressed Technique Co., Ltd..

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  • thin hydraulic cylinder

    Prestressing - Post Tensioning System

    Post-stREssING tECHNoLoGY. www.structuralsystems.com.au. INtRoduCtIoN PAGE 03 Post-tENsIoNING dEsIGN dAtA PAGE 04 MuLtI-stRANd Post-tENsIoNING PAGE 05 sLAb Post-tENsIoNING PAGE 17 MuLtI-WIRE Post-tENsIoNING PAGE 28 bAR Post-tENsIoNING PAGE 31 GRouNd ANCHoR sYstEMs PAGE 35 ExtERNAL PREstREssING PAGE 38 CAbLE stAY sYstEMs ….

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  • dump truck hydraulic system

    Prestressed, Pretensioned and Post-Tensioned Concrete

    Prestressing is the introduction of a compressive force to the concrete to counteract the stresses that will result from an applied load. There are two methods of introducing prestressing to a concrete, namely pre tensioning and post tensioning.. Pre tensioning happens before the casting of the concrete. This is done by placing of high tensile steel tendons in a desired profile in which the ....

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  • DC12V pallet truck Power Unit

    China Portable Monostrand Anchorage Stressed Jack - …

    The stress is usually imposed by tendons of individual hard-drawn wires, cables of hard-drawn wires, or bars of high strength alloy steel. Prestressing may be achieved either by pretensioning or by post-tensioning. To pretension concrete the steel is first tensioned in a frame or between anchorages external to the member..

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  • Synchronous displacement of Bridges

    Mono Strand Jack, Post Tension Jack, Monostrand Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Portable Monostrand Anchorage Stressed Jack, Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig and so on..

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