Flow Meter

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  • compact cylinder AFD20-02-A smc internet

    Post-Tensioning- Methods for Reinforcing Concrete - The

    Post-tensioned concrete means that the concrete is poured and then the tension is applied-but it is still stressed before the loads are applied so it is still prestressed. For an excellent overview of PT, visit the Post-Tensioning Institute. Post-Tensioned Concrete..

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  • hydraulic jack

    Post-Tension Basics- How Post-Tensioned Slabs Are Built

    A residential post-tensioned concrete slab will typically be 8 inches thick and use 3000 psi concrete. Once the concrete has gained strength to 2000 psi, typically within the 3 to 10 days recommended by PTI, the tendons are stressed..

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  • lock hydraulic jack

    Post tension system - CPS

    CPS, short for CMEC Post-tension System, is a Chinese state-owned company specialized in Post Tension System.Based in Henan Province, We supply design, equipment and materials for post-tension engineering, including Stressing jacks, electric oil pump stations, duct makers, swage machines etc. as well as all kinds of anchors, grippers, pc strands, couplers and so on..

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  • center hole jack


    STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES is the exclusive manufacturer of VSL post-tensioning products and construction systems in the United States. VSL systems have a well-earned reputation for their quality, reliability, and durability – and have been used throughout the world since 1956 to build, repair, and strengthen buildings, tanks, transportation and special structures..

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  • double acting hollow cylinder

    Multistrand Post-Tensioning System - DSI USA

    Multistrand Post-Tensioning System DYWIDAG Post-Tensioning Systems are world renowned for reliability and performance, most suitable for all applications in post-tensioned construction. They embrace the entire spectrum from bridge construction and buildings to ….

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  • Oil Equipment F-500 Mud Pump

    What is a post tension slab? How to tell if a home has a

    A post tension slab is a concrete slab or foundation that contains high tension cables running through the concrete to increase strength and reduce cracking typically in areas with poor soil conditions. Usually a sign in the garage or stamp in the slab will indicate if your home has a post tension slab.Author: Charlie.

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