Flow Meter

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Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter

  • solenoid valve coil SY7120-5GD stainless steel cylinder

    prestressed cable tensioning jack, prestressed cable

    YDC Prestressed Anchor Cable Hydraulic Post Tension Jack Prestressed Hydraulic Tension Jack is the new designed product in our company, are the upgrades of the primary jacks. 2. In some certain circumstance it can be used in the working of pushi n g, jacking and transforming and so on..

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  • original pneumatic smc valve factory new

    Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post Tension Strand

    Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post Tension Strand Jacking System , Find Complete Details about Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post Tension Strand Jacking System,Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage,Wire Anchorage,Jacking Systerm from Anchors Supplier or Manufacturer-Tianjin Daxin Prestressing Technique Co., Ltd..

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  • hydraulic jack for strutting beams

    Post Tensioning Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post

    Post Tensioning Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post Tension Strand Jacking System Hydraulic Jack , Find Complete Details about Post Tensioning Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post Tension Strand Jacking System Hydraulic Jack,Post Tension Strand Jacking System Hydraulic Jack,Anchorage Post Tension Strand Jacking System Hydraulic Jack,Prestressed Cable Wire Anchorage Post Tension Strand ...User rating: 4.8/5.

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  • Drilling Mud Pump Hfbw850

    post tension systems|prestressed anchorage|barrel and wedge

    Tianjin Sunwin Prestressed Technique Co.,Ltd is located in Xiqing Economic and Technological Development Area of Tianjin city,China mainland .We are a professional manufacturer specialized in Kinds of post tension systems,prestressed concrete Anchor,PC Strand,PC Wire,Post tension equipment and inspection equipment ,and trade all kinds of steel products.Product quality, enterprise ….

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  • original pneumatic smc filter element factory new

    Prestressed Anchor|post tension system|prestressed

    Multi-strand Jack. Open Anchor. Multi strand Round Anchorage System . Barrel and Wedge. Multi strand Flat Anchorage System. Multi strand Curved Flat Anchorage System. post tension cable. Unbonded Post Tension System.

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  • Telescopic 5-stage hydraulic cylinder

    Post Tensioning Cable Wholesale, Post Tensioning Suppliers

    MPT PRESTRESSING AND POST-TENSIONING SYSTEM is designed and tested to meet ... POST TENSIONING JACKS The jack is placed over the strand and when tensioning starts they are automatically and simultaneously engaged in the pulling ... A tensioned cable can be released using proper releasing devices..

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  • 3 tons mechanical cylinder

    Multistrand Post-Tensioning System - DSI USA

    THE FREYSSINET PRESTRESSED CONCRETE COMPANY LTD. Page: 6 ANCHORAGE SYSTEMS Prestressing forces of the Tendons are transferred to the concrete structures through Anchorages. Anchorage for the Post Tensioning system normally comprises of a steel plates with a number of conical holes, the conical Grips and the Guide (Trumpet)..

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  • small bore long stroke hydraulic cylinder for sale

    Multistrand Post-Tensioning System

    YJM Prestressed Cable Wire Post Tension Anchor For Prestress Concrete YJM Prestressed Cable Wire Post Tension Anchor For Prestress Concrete Anchorage for prestressing work. Shipping Detail: in stock Our Certificate Technical data YJM Prestressed Cable Wire Post Tension Anchor For Prestress Concrete 1. M15 applies to 15.2/15.24mm, 15.7mm pc strand ..

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  • Forklift Power Unit with single acting

    VSL | Post-tensioning strand systems | Post tension

    Post-Tensioning System using Strand. Strand is manufactured from 7 individual cold-drawn wires, outer wires helically wound around one center wire (king wire). The mechanical properties of the strand as well as its corrosion protection are most important to DSI. Strand coatings do not affect the anchorage's capacity or efficiency..

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  • double acting jack

    post tension prestressed pc strand anchorage, post tension

    The Flat Anchorage of max. 4-0.62" strands in one plane to deviate into one oval duct is designed to be installed in thin members such as transverse Post-Tensioning of the top slab of box-girder bridges and prestressed flat slabs..

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  • Adjustable Hydraulic Cylinder For Fitness

    Monostrand Post-Tensioning System - DSI USA

    .com offers 1,198 post tension prestressed pc strand anchorage products. About 81% of these are Metal Building Materials. A wide variety of post tension prestressed pc strand anchorage options are available to you, such as type, standard, and material..

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  • 100T large stroke tank lift hydraulic jack

    China Prestressed Anchorage manufacturer, Post Tensioning

    The strength, serviceability and design flexibility of concrete are greatly enhanced by the DYWIDAG Monostrand Post-Tensioning System. DYWIDAG Monostrands are made up of cold-drawn, low-relaxation, seven wire strands of 0.5" (12.7 mm) or 0.6" (15.2 mm) diameter, conforming to ASTM A 416..

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  • original pneumatic smc air pressure regulator factory new

    Mono-strand Post Tensioning Jacks - Precision-Hayes

    Prestressed Anchorage, Post Tensioning Jack, Electric Oil Pump manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig, New Generation Fast Speed PC Strand Pusher for Post Tension and so on..

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  • pneumatic cylinder price AC20-01-A smc pneumatics

    Post Tensioning - tmgglobals.com

    Jacking MULTI STRAND SYSTEM. The Multi Strand System Multi Strand Live End Anchorages MSA. Multiple Coupler MCB . Bonded Dead End Anchorage MSO Bonded Dead End Anchorage MSS. MULTI STRAND SYSTEM Intermediate Anchor MZE. MULTI STRAND DUCT DETAILS. Multi Strand Ducts HDPE and PP Ducts ... • Flat slab post-tensioning: Our post-tensioned slab ....

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  • 50 ton small mechanical car lifting hydraulic bottle jack for sale

    Prestressed System | Post Tensioninng System & Accessories

    post-tensioning of bridge decks and prestressed flat slabs. stressing dead end anchorage coupling ultimate load anchorage accessible not accessible [kips/kN] from to 4 4 4 — 175/782 234/1043 pocket former for each anchorage system on request Flat Anchorage System 100 The two part multiplane anchorage is designed primarily for bridge ....

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  • DC12V pallet truck Power Unit

    Prestressed Concrete Strand

    Mono-Strand Post Tensioning Jacks Field-Proven Tools for Mono-Strand Tensioning. Durable, field-proven designs, the PTJ and DA models feature "soft-grip" ergonomic handles reducing operator fatigue.

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  • 100 ton single acting hollow jack

    Post Tensioning System

    This technical brochure, ’VSL Strand Post-Tensioning Systems‘, gives an overview of the of application and provides guidance to practising engineers in the design of post-tensioned structures using VSL post-tensioning systems. The current VSL post-tensioning systems are the result of more than 50 years of experience.

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  • heavy duty telescopic hydraulic cyinders

    China Prestressed Concrete Prestressed Grout Bonded …

    These days post tensioning uses low relaxation 7-wire high tensile steel PC strand as prestressing tendons. By using these high tensile steel strand, we can greatly reduce the usage of non-prestressed reinforcement steel, typically with a ratio of 1: 3 or 4. This allows us to have a better utilisation of materials in the course of construction..

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  • small hydraulic jack

    Post-Tensioning Systems - DSI EMEA

    Halfen Moment is a leading provider of post-tensioning and prestressed system throughout Asia and Middle East over the past 25 years. Working for client accross Malaysia, Singapore, India and Philippines, we supplies a cutting-edge post-tensioning system & accessories combining performance, durability and more environmentally friendly solution..

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  • mortar pump double cylinder

    BBR | Post-tensioning Systems

    Prestressing Anchorage Sheathing Duct Jack Pump & Others PC Strand Intelligent Equipment. YJM Stressing Anchorage YJL Coupler YSM High Tension Wire Mono Anchorage Mono Anchorage YJM Dead-end Anchorage Type H Low Retracting Stressing Anchorage BJM Stressing ... We can offer PC wire and strand conforming to the technical standards, such as GB ....

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  • solenoid ventil SYJ3120-5LZ pneumatic cylinders for sale

    TMG is a Singapore based company specialised in post tensioning system. Our work in civil constructions include roads, bridges, railways, tunnels, dams, containment tanks, reservoirs, underground constructions, foundations, buildings, industrial facilities, air & sea ports, and special structures..

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  • power pack hydraulic jack

    Prestressed Anchor, Post Tension Anchor, Prestressed Anchorage manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Prestressed Concrete Prestressed Grout Bonded Strand Anchors, Cnm Full Hydraulic Crawler Anchoring Drilling Rig, Cnm 150 to 200m Hydraulic Crawler Drilling Rig and so on..

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  • 200 ton hydraulic jack

    DYWIDAG Strand Post-Tensioning Systems. are used in bridges, buildings, containments and dams around the world. As a result of our ability to vary the number of strands in our tendons, our systems offer a high degree of flexibility and can always be adapted to suit individual clients’ needs..

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  • pneumatic cylinder actuator CHKDB40R-75 smc distributors

    The BBRV ® wire cables are one of the earliest and most reliable post-tensioning systems. This parallel wire system was developed by BBR in 1944 and has since been continuously advanced. Furthermore, the CONA compact, CONA multi, CONA single, CONA flat and CONA external strand post-tensioning systems have been applied very successfully for ....

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    prestressed seven wire steel strand conforming to the Post-Tensioning Institute’s Specification for Seven Wire Steel Strand Barrier Cable Applications3. Steel strands conforming to this specification are capable of restraining the impact load of a moving vehicle and are economical and flexible in meeting the geometric layout of a specific.

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  • Original Fixed Mounting Height SMC Pneumatics RSDQA50-30DR-M9BL

    General Principales Local Zone Design General Zone Design Examples from Pratice PUBLISHED BY ... hardware and anchorage devices. The VSL system as used in your country may be ... strength steel such that 1 kg of post-tensioning strand may replace 3 or 4 kg of ordinary non-prestressed reinforcement. This can reduce.

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  • Bore Size 75mm Small Mini Hydraulic Cylinder

    of a multi strand stressing jack from capacity 1,100 KN up to 5,000 KN. The strands can also be stressed individually by means of mono jack. MPT dead end anchorage being layed in position. MPT PRESTRESSING & POST TENSIONING SYSTEM 5.

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  • Shock Absorber Piston Rod

    end anchorages, CU single strand coupling type, and the DF anchorage used for ring post-tensioning or for intermediate tensioning. Systems are also foreseen for the slab post-tensioning: the 1C15 monostrand unbounded system and the multi-strand bonded PTS system. As ….

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