Flow Meter
QYC Series Tension Hydraulic Jack
YDC Prestressed Post Tension Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Self-locking Type SActing Hydraulic Jack
Thin Type Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Synchronous Control Hydraulic Jack
Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter
Valve Actuation Solutions – ValvACT – Valve Actuators
aira Valve Automation: Quarter turn pneumatic actuators and valves, as well as linear and diaphragm actuator operated control valves. aira provides a complete line of pneumatic rotary actuators, ball valves, butterfly valves, control valves and automation accessories. ValvACT’s is stocking aira actuators now, in a wide range of torque ....
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Pneumatic Valve Actuators Information | Engineering360
Rotary hydraulic valve actuators - Rotary actuators are used for rotary motion valves such as ball, plug, and butterfly valves through a quarter-turn or more from open to close. The closing element is generally a disc or ellipse which turns about an angular shaft. Rotary motion valves ….
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The Dyna-Flo Large D-Force actuator is a rugged single piston (dual piston for double acting) scotch yoke actuator designed specifically for automation of quarter turn valves. These actuators transform linear piston movement into a 90O rotating movement for ideal break and run torque..
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Q Series Actuator - Quarter Turn Actuator - QTRCO, Inc.
Q Series Rack & Gear ® Valve Actuators Patented Rack & Gear ® Actuator Mechanism. Offset cylinders align the piston axis with the pinion gear pitch circle diameter, eliminating the cantilever forces inherent in rack and pinion type actuators..
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Pneumatic Actuators - Valve Distributors
Design Details: Pneumatic Actuators and Cylinders provide a multitude of options for all valve types and industries. These actuators provide an extensive torque range for all on/off and modulating applications for Quarter Turn and Linear action valves..
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VALVE ACTUATOR - Excel Automation Solutions
Similar to pneumatic actuators, they are used on linear or quarter-turn valves. Fluid pressure acting on a piston provides linear thrust for gate or globe valves. A quarter-turn actuator produces torque to provide rotary motion to operate a quarter-turn valve. Most types of hydraulic actuators can be supplied with fail-safe features to close or ....
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Pneumatic Actuators | Ashai/America
Pneumatic Actuators Asahi/America’s Series 79P pneumatic actuators for quarter turn ball and butterfly valves provide accurate and dependable control, especially in corrosive applications. The units are compact, yet extremely durable and available in output torques from 59 to 40,710 inch-pounds based on an 80-psi air supply..
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Pneumatic Actuators | Acrodyne
Taylor Valve Actuator Options. RB Series Chokes. RB 3” with 3” 900# RFF In x Out Manual Gear. RB 3” with 3” 2500# RFF In x Out Electric Rotork Actuator.
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pneumatic membrane single-acting actuator BR99 - …
Manufacturer: Limitorque Group: Pneumatic Actuator The Limitorque Pneumatic Scotch Yoke (LPS) Heavy-Duty Actuator, supplied to Australia and New Zealnd by Acrodyne, is designed to meet the industry’s most recent and stringent safety and performance standards for oil and gas applications..
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Valve Actuators, Quarter-Turn ,Linear, Pneumatic, Electric.
BR99 pneumatic membrane single-acting actuator Quarter-turn rotating pneumatic actuator with diaphragm. Suitable for butterfly valves, segment valves etc. Suitable for butterfly valves, segment valves ….
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Pneumatic valve actuator / quarter-turn / double-acting
CVA is your source for Valve Actuators, Quarter-Turn Actuator, Linear Actuator, Pneumatic Actuator, Electric Actuator and Automation Accessories..
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Valve actuator - All industrial manufacturers - Videos
Find out all of the information about the Weir Power & Industrial product: pneumatic valve actuator / quarter-turn / double-acting / butterfly BDK. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale..
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Valves & Actuators | The Blythe Company
The ACTAIR series offers a double-acting pneumatic actuator built for mounting on quarter-turn valves (butterfly valves or ball valves) on a vartiety stem end types (flat ... More information manual valve actuator / rotary / double-acting / for control of shut-off S, Cx series.
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Rotork: CVQ Quarter-turn Electric Process Control Actuator
Valves & Actuators Process flow control valves play an important and integral part of many process systems. Their function is to control the flow of liquid, gas or air within the process pipeline or vessels. Whether you are mixing, diverting, stopping or metering, control valves are designed as your process traffic light controlling the traffic ....
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Process Automation | Festo USA
The Rotork CVQ quarter-turn, electric process control actuator, offers a highly accurate and responsive method of automating control valves, without the complexity and cost of a pneumatic supply..
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Quadra-Powr® X series pneumatic actuator - Metso
Process Automation Products Festo provides a wide range of process automation products and complete process solutions with automated process valves, diaphragm valves, sensors and positioners. At the control level, Festo manufactures pneumatic pilot valves, valve terminals, I/O systems and HMIs which integrate seamlessly with leading DCS and ....
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Quarter Turn Automation - Pneumatic / Electric - ipexna.com
These actuators offer an exceptionally long cycle life and are well suited to operate almost any type of rotary valve. QPX actuator is designed for smooth and efficient quarter-turn valve operation and it provides safe and reliable operation even when minimal supply pressure is available..
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Bettis D Series I On Off Actuator - Automation I Valves I
Pneumatic actuators are the most common choice for quarter turn plastic valves in process applications. Compressed air systems are readily available in any plant, and the cost of the actuator itself is generally lower than that of an electric unit with a comparable torque output. Typical quarter turn automation seldom requires positioning ....
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Australian Pipeline Valve - Valve Actuator Manufacturer
Bettis™ D-Series pneumatic rack and pinion actuators provide its users with a tough, work-horse like product for reliable use and economy in valve automation. Designed for use in quarter-turn applications, the D-Series is ideal for the on/off or continuous operation of plug, butterfly and ball valves, as well as dampers and other 90 degree ....
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Chapter 2 Valves Flashcards | Quizlet
The actuator, which is mounted to the valve and coupled to the stem, is designed to convert air or hydraulic pressure into mechanical force sufficient to operate the valve. double-acting pneumatic or hydraulic actuator.
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How to Select a Valve Actuator: Types, Sizing, Safety
Quarter Turn Hydraulic Actuators • Ideal for operating valves when utilizing high pressure natural gas is a safety concern • Operates with pressures up to 1500 psi, providing torque outputs over 1 million inch-.
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Pneumatic Valve Actuator Market Size & Share, 2016
direct air against paddles or vanes and are used on quarter turn valves. Common terms for pneumatic actuators: Air to Open; spring to close. The valve fails in the closed position if the air system goes down. The air line is typically located on the bottom of the dome..
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Pneumatic Actuators - Just Valves
Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators (fluid power) – multi-turn – When multi-turn output is required for operating a linear-type valve, such as a gate valve or a globe valve, fluid power actuators are a common solution. While electric actuators are often used for these types of valves, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators are viable options for ....
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Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuator • Convalve
The Quarter-turn pneumatic actuators manage and run butterfly, plug, or ball valves, and provide a compact design for double acting and spring return. Pneumatic Valve Actuator market is segmented on the basis of end users as chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas, power generation, mining, and others. Others may include automotive, foods and ....
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Actuation - FloSource Inc
Just Valves range of actuators are designed to provide a rotary, quarter-turn movement for either on/off or modulating duty. They are particularly well suited for applications where the valve torque demand is relatively uniform throughout the stroke. Five body sizes produce torque output up to 3,500 Nm (30,000 inch pounds) at operating ....
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Description. Air actuators in general are known in the industry to be very rugged, reliable and durable. Convalve heavy duty quarter turn air actuators are prelubricated and tested to a ….
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FloSource has been automating quarter-turn and multi-turn valves since 2004. We have virtually automated every kind of valve including but not limited to: butterfly, ball, plug, gate, globe, damper, diaphragm, and knifegate valves..
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