Flow Meter
QYC Series Tension Hydraulic Jack
YDC Prestressed Post Tension Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Single Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Double Acting Hollow Hydraulic Jack
Self-locking Type SActing Hydraulic Jack
Thin Type Single Acting Hydraulic Jack
Synchronous Control Hydraulic Jack
Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter
Post Tension/Stressing Jacks - G&G Hydraulics Corporation
GGHYD Series - A Definitive Guide on Hydraulic Cylinders GGHYD Series - A Definitive Guide on Pressure Gauges GGHYD Series - A Definitive Guide on Hydraulic Jacks.
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Multistrand Post-Tensioning System - DSI USA
Multistrand Post-Tensioning System DYWIDAG has developed a series of jacks and hydraulic pumps in order to efficiently and economically stress its tendons. Versatility is provided by changing devices that make one unit adaptable for many different tendon sizes. DYWIDAG jacks have capacities ranging from 56/250 kips/kN up to 2,191/9,750 kips/kN..
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China High-Pressure Electric Hydraulic Pump (ZB2*1.5/63
China Machinery Engineering Henan Co., Ltd. Post Tension Equipment, Post Tensioning System, Prestressing Equipment manufacturer / supplier in China, offering High-Pressure Electric Hydraulic Pump (ZB2*1.5/63), BMS Electric Chain Hoist, Ydc Feed-Through Multi-Strand Hydraulic Stressing Jack ….
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China Heavy Hoisting Hydraulic Cylinder for Bridges
Qingdao Star Machine Technology Co., Ltd. Tensioning Jack, Hydraulic Jack, Lifting Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Heavy Hoisting Hydraulic Cylinder for Bridges, Railway, Alstom Valve Optipow105 135, Limit Switch Apl210n and so on..
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Hydraulic Lifting Jack - pt-concrete.com
YDT series of pretension hydraulic jack is used for lifting and pushing in prestressing construction. Its matched oil pumps is YBZ series of high pressure electric oil pump. Its matched oil pumps is YBZ series of high pressure electric oil pump..
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prestressanchor.com - Gaodetec Equipment Co., Ltd
Gaode Equipment Co., Ltd is professional factory for product kinds of prestressed anchorage systems and anchor device equipment, such as anchor system, pc steel strand, hydraulic jacks, oil pump, metal duct machine, embossing machine, PC Strands Pusher Machine..
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GYM Prestressed Concrete Anchors - gaodetec.com
GJP-63D Pump station with diesel driven 100 Ton Double Acting Hydraulic Plunger Jack RC Series of Single Acting Hydraulic Plunger Jack RRH Series of Double Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder for Lifting Customized RCH Series of Single Acting Hydraulic Hollow Cylinder EP-142 Light Weight Manual Hydraulic Oil pump 2.2Kw Single acting Electric Oil ....
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Powerteam PE60 Series Electric Post Tensioning Pumps PDF
Click Download Below to get the Powerteam PE60 Series Electric Post Tensionong Pumps PDF..
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ChemGrout CG-500 High Pressure Series - Southern Tool
The ChemGrout CG-500HP series are skid mounted, high-pressure grout plants. These units feature two 70-gallon (265 liters) mixing tanks, a 21-gallon (80 liters) holding hopper and a high-pressure ….
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Hydraulic Tools – Wil-Tech Industries Ltd.
HIGH-PRESSURE PUMPS. We offer high-pressure manual and powered hydraulic pumps, in a variety of styles and pressure ratings. Manual hand and foot pumps are designed for safety and portability making them excellent for troubleshooting and operating jacks and cylinders; while power pumps are excellent for operating hydraulically driven cylinders and tools requiring repeated cycles and higher ….
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Prestressing Post Tension Mono Strand Hydraulic Jack
QYC series of mono strand hydraulic jack have internal re-usable anchor which can automatically clamp and loosen the wedge. 2. They are mainly used for LYM15 and LYM13- type various single tensioning with bonded and unbonded..
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Enerpac Hyraulic Jacks and Pneumatic Tools. - Jack-X-Change
been trained on high-pressure hydraulic safety, consult your distribution or service center for a free Enerpac Hydraulic safety course. Failure to comply with the following cautions and warnings could cause equipment damage and personal injury. A CAUTION is used to indicate correct operating or maintenance procedures and practices to prevent damage to, or destruction of equipment or other ....
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ChemGrout CG-680 High Pressure 0x26 Capacity Colloidal
Jack-X-Change is a distributor of hydraulic tools and automotive service equipment. Product lines that we carry include Ingersoll Rand, Power Team, NORCO, Chicago Pneumatic, Simplex and more. Product lines that we carry include Ingersoll Rand, Power Team, ….
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Hydraulic Products | Chicago Jack Service, Inc.
Pre-stressing & Post Tensioning Systems Middle East’s Sole Agent for China Anchorage Products راعشتسلاا لولحل يبد. CHINA ANCHORAGE راعشتسلاا لولحل يبد As one of the first anchorage producers that have passed ISO 9001 certification, Kaifeng Zhongqiao Prestressed Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional company which is engaged in the production of prestressing ....
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Enerpac 700 Series Poly High Pressure Hydraulic Hoses
The ChemGrout CG-680 High Pressure series is a high pressure, high capacity, skid mounted colloidal grout plant. The HP colloidal series easily mixes and pumps slurries of cement, flyash, bentonite and lime flour..
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Hydraulic Electric Pumps | High Pressure - enerpac.com
When used with hydraulic jack, just slip jack and grip over grouted re-bar and apply pressure to desired load (available with hydraulic jack system). Also grips available for ….
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Hydraulic Couplers | Enerpac
Buy Enerpac 700 series High Pressure Hydraulic Hoses at Gustin Hydraulics. All things Enerpac since 1954.
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Brochure Post Tensioning | Prestressed Concrete | Engineering
E325e E325e E325e www.actuant.com Hydraulic Power for all Industrial Applications Hydraulic Technology Worldwide Africa ENERPAC Middle East FZE Tel: +971 (0)4 8872686- Fax: +971 (0)4 8872687 Australia.
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China Hydraulic Center Hole Jack for Post Tension (YC-100
Enerpac's wide range of electric hydraulic pumps provide durability, high performance and economy. Using the latest metallurgical, bearing and seal technologies to produce a hydraulic electric pump whose features and benefits far surpass the high pressure electric pumps that are available today..
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RLN1006 - Cylinders - tristatehyd.com
Couplers,Hydraulic Couplers. Enerpac | Europa, Middle East, Afrika, India | POWERFUL SOLUTIONS. GLOBAL FORCE..
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return pressure [bar] 180 180 180 180 Max. hydraulic pumps.Equipments PT series monostrand stressing jacks Together with post-tensioning system Tensacciai Tensacciai manufactures 4 type of “PT” series has developed a range of dedicated installation jacks which differ in terms of tensioning equipments. including multi and mono stressing ....
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Enerpac ZU4 Hydraulic Pumps are built to power small to large-sized cylinders or hydraulic tools, or wherever high- speed, intermittent duty, remote hydraulic power is needed. Pro Electric Pump • Digital (LCD) display features a built-in hour meter and shows self-diagnostic, cycle-count and low voltage warning information. Pressure can also be displayed when the pump is equipped with an ....
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Jack, Hydraulic Jack, Electric Jack manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Hydraulic Center Hole Jack for Post Tension (YC-100), Automatic Concrete Mixing Plant for Pole Making Projects, Volvo Oil Filter for Construction Machinery Parts (3831236) and so on..
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3 The tendon is the basic element of a post tensioning system. A tendon comprises one or more strands, constrained at both ends by a compact, efficient and.
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Capacity: 100 ton Stroke: 6 inch Model # RLN1006 Name Cylinders Order # RLN1006 Capacity 100 ton Stroke 6 inch Min. Height 12 inch Max. Press. 10000 psi Oil Cap. Req. 118 cu. in. Weight 132 lbs. Description Lock nuts for extended load holding. Grease fitting for added weather protection. Stop ring for piston blow-out protection..
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