Flow Meter

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Emf Flange Type Sea Water Magnetic Flowmeter

  • Putzmeister Hydraulic Piston Rod

    VSL | Bars | post-tensioning bar systems

    Bars & post-tensioning bar systems. VSL bar systems provides great versatility in geotechnical and construction applications as they cover a full range from hot-rolled bars with grades of 500MPa and 670MPa through to high-tensile alloy steel stressbars up to 1,050MPa..

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  • four stage hydraulic cylinder for trailer

    Tension Jack, Tension Jack Suppliers and Manufacturers at

    2 The Williams System Williams Prestressing / Post-Tensioning Systems consist of high tensile steel bars available in seven diameters from 1” (26 mm) to 3” (75 mm) with guaranteed tensile strengths to 1027 kips (4568 kN)..

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  • prestressing jacks

    Screw Jacks, Jack Posts, Lally Columns - Ellis Manufacturing

    .com offers 3,224 tension jack products. About 55% of these are car jacks, 18% are metal building materials, and 3% are other construction machinery. A wide variety of tension jack options are available to you, such as hydraulic jack, electric jack, and bottle jack..

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  • Drilling Mud Pump Hfbw850

    Jack Bolts - Jack Screws | U-Bolt-It, Inc.

    1" Diameter Steel Adjustment Rod is offered in lengths 12", 24", 36" and 60". Used to gain extra leverage when in making height adjustment to the Heavy Duty Steel Shores and Bridge Jack product lines. Simply place one end of the adjustment rod in any of the 4 (1.063" Dia.) holes provided on the Heavy Duty Steel Shores or Bridge Jacks..

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  • two stroke cylinder for trailer

    Everything you need to know about flatteners and levelers

    Jack bolts or jack screws are long stud bolts that use tension to hold a part in place, or to jack up a part into position. They incorporate an hydraulic connection and use the hydraulic power to hold the part in place. We offer jack bolts in case hardened steel and stainless steel. Limited sizes are available..

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  • 100T large stroke tank lift hydraulic jack

    Calculate Required Tube Size Using Structural Properties

    Tension Leveling. Tension leveling is an effective tension-assisted leveling method. The coil is put under significant tension between pull and drag bridles placed before and after the specially designed roller leveling device (see Figure 8). With tension leveling, all parts of the metal are pulled past the yield point, top to bottom, edge to edge.Author: Eric Theis.

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  • 4 stage hydraulic telescopic ram cylinder for 38-60 ton truck

    Simplex Tools: Hydraulic Pumps, Jacks & Cylinders - Ohio

    Calculate Required Tube Size Using Structural Properties Home / Resources / Calculators / Calculate Required Tube Size Using Structural Properties The calculator can be utilized by anyone that knows the loading criteria of their application and whether the tube will be used as a beam or column..

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  • hydraulic post tension jack

    Post Tensioning System Installation - Williams Form

    Simplex has been manufacturing industry-leading positioning and lifting products since 1899.With a specialty in producing high-quality mechanical jacks, hydraulic jacks, and other high-pressure and high-force hydraulic tools and equipment, Simplex continues to redefine capabilities in countless trades (i.e., construction, manufacturing, transportation, etc.)..

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  • doubel acting hydraulic jack

    Prestressed concrete - Wikipedia

    installation procedures, tension checking and other engineering services related to the installation of post-tensioning works. Tensacciai take care of all the placing, stressing, tension and deformation checking operations with their own specialized teams, taking full responsibility and applying Quality Assurance according to ISO9001. Steel strand.

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  • high performance aluminum cylinder

    Williams post tensioning jacks are designed for flush or recessed situations. Jacks are matched with hand pumps and electric or air motors. Jacks may be purchased or rented as required. Rental equipment packages include jack ram, hoses, gauges, power unit and wrenches for transferring the load from the jack to the nut and plate..

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  • small hydraulic ram

    Pre-tensioned concrete is a variant of prestressed concrete where the tendons are tensioned prior to the concrete being cast.: 25 The concrete bonds to the tendons as it cures, following which the end-anchoring of the tendons is released, and the tendon tension forces are transferred to the concrete as compression by static friction.: 7 Pre-tensioning is a common prefabrication technique ....

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