Flow Meter

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  • lift hydraulic high performance cylinder

    Bonded Multistrand Post-Tensioning | STRUCTURAL …

    Extensively used in bridge and transportation structures, bonded multistrand post-tensioning systems have also been successfully applied to commercial building construction. A single multistrand tendon can hold up to fifty-five 0.5″ or 0.6″ strands encased in PT-Plus™ plastic or steel duct and is fully bonded using a high-performance grout..

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  • 50 ton double acting hydraulic cylinder with flange

    Multistrand Hydraulic Prestressed Anchor Tension Jack

    Applications and Features ♦ prestressed anchor tension jack is a kind of general-purpose feed-through jack for prestress applied for tension of various steel strand anchors. ♦ prestressed anchor tension jack is widely used in post-tensioned large buildings and structures, prestressed concrete bridges, rock and earth anchoring construction, hydraulic structures, foundation anchoring ....

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  • air hydraulic jacks

    Tension Jack, Tension Jack Suppliers and Manufacturers at

    .com offers 3,224 tension jack products. About 55% of these are car jacks, 18% are metal building materials, and 3% are other construction machinery. A wide variety of tension jack options are available to you, such as hydraulic jack, electric jack, and bottle jack..

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  • Agricultrual Hydraulic Cylinder Manufacturers

    Moment® Multi Strand Round System - Halfen Moment Group

    Moment ® Multi Strand Round System is a method of reinforcing and pre-stressing concrete, masonry and other structural elements. Today, it is used for a wide range of applications including office buildings, condominiums, hotels, parking structures, slab-on-ground foundations, ground anchors, storage tanks, stadiums, silos, and bridges..

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  • hollow hydraulic cylinder

    Strand jack - Wikipedia

    and the DF anchorage used for ring post-tensioning or for intermediate tensioning. Systems are also foreseen for the slab post-tensioning: the 1C15 monostrand unbounded system and the multi-strand bonded PTS system. As a specialized contractor with decades of experience in ….

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  • hydraulic jack 250 ton

    A strand jack (also known as strandjack) is a jack used to lift very heavy (e.g. thousands tons or more with multiple jacks) loads for construction and engineering purposes. Strandjacking was invented by VSL Australia's Patrick Kilkeary & Bruce Ramsay in 1969 for concrete post tensioning systems, and are now used all over the world for heavy lifting, to erect bridges, offshore structures ....

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